faq Lake Garda
faq Garda Lake
lago di Garda Gardasee Lake Garda Lac de Garde .. coming soon

FAQ website serving the lakegarda.com website

In this section (Faq: frequent asked questions) you will find the answers to the visitor of the www.lagodigarda.com, www.gardasee.com, www.lakegarda.com. Websites’ most asked questions.

Answers for tour operators

domandaIt is possible to get registered and add my structure?
Of course: all tour operators in Lake Garda and around the area (hotel keepers, camping site owners, agritourisms, bed & breakfasts etc.) can add there touristic facility: click here for further information: click here for further information.

domandaWill personal data only be displayed on this website?
No: once you have typed it in, it will be shown on each one of our websites on Lake Garda according to the different languages.

domandaI do not have a website, can I register anyways?
Yes, registration will create a page for you on our touristic websites and it will include the information and the pictures you add.

domandaI would like to have a website for my business, can you help me?
Yes, please visit our website at www.aresnet.it to get the right solution for your business and to get information on the IT services offered by Aresnet.

Answers for website users

domandaIs it possible to reserve a holiday through this website?
The pages concerning hotels, agritourisms and camping sites allow you to contact touristic facilities: the real reservation cannot be made through us but directly with the structure you have selected.

domandaIs Lagodigarda.com liable for the information it shows?

Commercial information has been given by our partners who are responsible about what they have published. Anyways, if any clear violations should take place, i twill be our duty to delete or update any wrong information.